Open morning for prospective parents every Thursday at 10am. Book via the school office.
Open morning for prospective parents every Thursday at 10am. Book via the school office.
Our Lady and St Joseph Primary School

Useful Information


The Head Teacher writes a newsletter every week, sometimes more often. If you want to know what's going on in the school, you'll find it here!


Drop-Off & Pick-Up

Please Go With The Flow by entering school via Culford Road and exiting via Buckingham Road. In the mornings, all children are dropped off outside their classrooms rather than in the playground. Soft start to the school day now begins at 8.45am.



Pupils must not be brought into school on Inset Days as it is closed. Please see term dates for up -to-date information about INSET days.


Bank Holidays

The school is closed on these days and pupils must not be brought in.


Parent Consultations - termly

The class teacher will discuss each child's progress with at least one parent during the Autumn, Spring and Summer Terms. Sign up for a slot via text, online or via the office.


Home Learning

All classes receive home learning and the class teacher decides how much to set and when it is due. Please go through the work with your child as it is an oppotunity for you to take part in what your child is learning.


Infant Books 

Reading books go out in the bookbags and parents are asked to sign the yellow book to confirm their child has read it. Reading books are changed twice a week and a separate story book normally also goes home at the end of the week for parents to read with their child.


Junior Library

Juniors may take library books out from the Junior Library, they usually have an opportunity to change books once a week and should be reading these at home.


Behaviour System

The school uses the Class Dojo behaviour system.  Children are awarded points for positive behaviour, attitude to work and effort.  Class teachers send out letters at the start of each academic year with information for parents on how they can connect to their child's class dojo account.


Good Book Award

This is awarded at the end of each term to a girl and boy who has performed exceptionally throughout the term.


Governors' Fund

As a voluntary-aided school, the governors ask parents to contribute a sum, normally around £30 for one child and £60 for two or more. Parents can pay throughout the year and each is asked to contribute, even if the full amount cannot be given.


Being voluntary-aided allows the school to give preference to Catholics in our admission policy, teach religious education according to the Catholic faith and apply faith-based criteria when selecting teachers.


In return only 90% of our capital costs, form example building costs, are met by the state. The Governors’ fund is to meet the 10% that we have to pay. Please note that all the day to day running costs of the school, for example staffing, are paid by the state.



Tempest comes to the school each Autumn to photograph the children and will provide parents with a form to order prints. Siblings will have joint and individual shots. In May, Reception and Y6 are photographed as a class.


Nurse & Dentist

The school nurse comes in monthly to discuss children's health needs, please speak to the office if you have any particular concerns. Children in Y1 have a dental check-up during school hours and are taught about teeth-cleaning.