Welcome to the children in Y1-Y6 who were chosen to be RE peer leaders this academic year. They will support their classmates with their RE learning and take on RE roles and responsibilities in the classroom such as leading prayers and ensuring Liturgical colours are correct on prayer areas.
RE Peer Leaders
What do OLSJ Peer Leaders enjoy about RE?
“I like scripture as it deepens our understanding.”
Putting the Mission into action
“Leo and me were walking home and an elderly lady had just had surgery so we helped her with her bags and rejected the money she offered.”
“Our teacher lets us act out the scripture, we read and share feelings through hot seating.”
“We learn how to live as a disciple.”
“I like reading scripture from the Bible. I like to learn about what Jesus did in his life, it shows that Jesus is really special and I can learn about what do in my life.”
“We get challenges to link the scripture with a different piece of scripture we are learning about. For example, in Corinthians 1:13 we learned how to support others.”