Open morning for prospective parents every Thursday at 10am. Book via the school office.
Open morning for prospective parents every Thursday at 10am. Book via the school office.
Our Lady and St Joseph Primary School

P.E and Sports Premium Funding

Primary PE and Sports Premium

 The Sports premium must be used to fund additional and sustainable improvements to the provision of PE and sport, for the benefit of primary-aged pupils, in the 2016 to 2017 academic year, to encourage the development of healthy, active lifestyles. Information on how much PE and sport premium funding primary schools receive and advice on how to spend it has been published.

To find out more about the PE and Sports Premium follow this link:


PE and Sports Grant funding 2021-2022

The amount of £17,765 has been allocated to the school for the year 2019-2020 this will be spent as follows: 

PE Equipment for pupils in school including pupils with SEND and/or Disabilities.



 PE and Sports Grant funding 2020-2021

The amount of £17,765 has been allocated to the school for the year 2019-2020 this will be spent as follows: 

PE Equipment for pupils in school including pupils with SEND and/or Disabilities.



PE and Sports Grant funding 2020-2021

The amount of £17,765 has been allocated to the school for the year 2019-2020 this will be spent as follows: 

PE Equipment for pupils in school including pupils with SEND and/or Disabilities.


£15,265  specialist PE teacher and learning mentor for Mr. Nick James. 

Total = £17,765

 PE and Sports Grant funding 2019 -2020

The amount of £17,765 has been allocated to the school for the year 2019-2020 this will be spent as follows: 


Karate club = Whole school £1,500

Gymnastics Clubs = KS1 £500

Tennis club = Whole school £500


£15,265  specialist PE teacher and learning mentor for Mr. Nick James. 

Total = £17,765


PE and Sports Grant funding 2018 -2019

The amount of £8,905 has been allocated to the school for the year 2018-2019 this will be spent as follows: to be updated.


PE KS2 climbing equipment = £1,500

£7,405 specialist PE teacher and learning mentor for Mr. Nick James. 

Total = £8,905



  This has allowed the school to even further increase its sports provision and widen the opportunities for participating in sport both during and after school tie. It also this year enabled us to forge a link for the first time with West Ham United FC and benefit from the expertise of a coach one day a week. This extra cost of £2,000 is covered by the PE and sport funding.

There are now 3 PE coaches in the school who operate from Reception to Year 6.

Mr Nick James specialises in multi-sports on Monday and currently covers athletics, rounders, cricket,  hockey, football. basketball and touch rugby.

Ms Jo Creese is in on Wednedsay and is also a PE specialist and in addition offers extra tuition in netball, dance and gymnastics

Dan from West Ham mainly offers football and extra support with writing for KS2 pupils

Swimming is offered to Y4 and Y5 every Friday alternately. Every child leaving Y6 is expected to swim 25 metres and normally achieves this.

In addition the school has after-school provision 5 nights a week and Saturday and has a thriving karate and dance club.

The karate club is internationally recognised as a beacon of good practice.

School held its ActiveMark award for many years and currently way exceeds all targets set for both time and participation in sport in all key areas.

Outdoor activities is an area for future development.

Impact of Sports Premium 2020-2021 

The main impact has been in increasing both the range and participation in a wide range of sports both within school and in extra curricular uptake.

The school employs a sports coach Nick James

In the Early Years work focussed on gymnastics and upper body strength skills. This resulted in high scores in Physical development and PSED in the early years scores.

Jo Creese also extended work down to KS1 teaching tennis, gymnastics and dance.

Nick James has this year also taken on behaviour and mentoring work mainly with Key Stage 2 pupils. All Year 5 pupils took part in Personal Best all year.

Two other noteworthy aspects of this year are:

Firstly pride in appearance with the vast majority of pupils wearing correct PE kit.

Secondly in work around exercise and health. In an area of very high obesity it is rare in this school to see an obese child.