Open morning for prospective parents every Thursday at 10am. Book via the school office.
Open morning for prospective parents every Thursday at 10am. Book via the school office.
Our Lady and St Joseph Primary School

Class Dojo

Class Dojo is a behaviour system used across the school, from Reception to Year 6. Children each has their own avatar and can be awarded points throughout the day for demonstrating skills/qualities such as teamwork, good listening, persistence in learning and kindness. Children can also have points deducted for any behaviours that may negatively impact the learning or wellbeing of themselves/others.


At the start of each academic year, parents are invited to join the Class Dojo community where you are able to monitor your child's points.  Class dojo is also a valuable communication tool where class teachers can connect with parents to inform you of any important class updates or news. Please see below for some guidance on how Class Dojo should be used as a communication tool.


Guidance for parents on communication via Class Dojo.

  1. Please note that we do not use the Class Dojo messaging function. Updates will be posted on Class Story and School Story. If you would like to speak to the class teacher about your child, please make an appointment with the office. 

  2. Teachers will post general class updates and news to the class story.  Class Dojo is used for the communication of general school information only.

  3. In order to maintain our high standards of behaviour, all children can receive both positive and negative dojos. Children are made fully aware of the behavioural expectations and Class Dojo is a reminder of this. Dojo points, both positive and negative, are specific and should be self-explanatory. If there are any issues concerning your child’s behaviour, the class teacher will contact you about this. Please encourage your children to reflect on their behaviour; questioning the school’s behaviour system can be counter-productive and have a negative impact on children’s behaviour. We do not encourage children to dwell on loss of dojo points and always provide them with opportunities to receive positive ones. Resilience is a key skill that enables children to learn and to adapt well in the face of adversity and research shows this to be the case. This is something we continue to encourage in our pupils and we would appreciate your cooperation with this.