Open morning for prospective parents every Thursday at 10am. Book via the school office.
Open morning for prospective parents every Thursday at 10am. Book via the school office.
Our Lady and St Joseph Primary School


At Our Lady and St Joseph we are very fortunate to have a modern and extensive ICT suite with 15 Apple iMac's as well as 4 class sets of iPads.  Computing is currently taught through a cross-curricular approach, for example children using the technology to record their own stories in Literacy or photographs and videos in science and Geography.  Children are taught to use simple programmes and systems to support and enhance their learning across the curriculum.  Children are introduced to coding in the EYFS through the use of remote control and programable toys, such as the Bee-Bot.  Children across the school use Purple Mash to develop coding and computer science skills.  Online safety is at the heart of all we do in computing and children are taught from Nursery age how to stay safe online.


Computing Statement of Intent

 Develop children’s computational skills to ensure they can participate effectively and learn safely in the digital and online world. Safeguarding while online to be our constant duty of care.


Curriculum Implementation Key Stages 1 & 2

Year 1 

  • Understand use of algorithms
  • Write & test simple programs
  • Use logical reasoning to make predictions      
  • Organise, store, retrieve & manipulate data
  • Communicate online safely and respectfully
  • Recognise uses of IT outside of school

Year 2

  • Understand use of algorithms
  • Write & test simple programs
  • Use logical reasoning to make predictions
  • Organise, store, retrieve & manipulate data
  • Communicate online safely and respectfully
  • Recognise uses of IT outside of school

Year 3

  • Design & write programs to achieve specific goals, including solving problems
  • Use logical reasoning
  • Understand computer networks
  • Use internet safely and appropriately
  • Collect and present data appropriately

Year 4

  • Design & write programs to achieve specific goals, including solving problems
  • Use logical reasoning
  • Understand computer networks
  • Use internet safely and appropriately
  • Collect and present data appropriately

Year 5

  • Design & write programs to solve problems
  • Use sequences, repetition, inputs, variables and outputs in programs
  • Detect & correct errors in programs · Understand uses of networks for collaboration & communication
  • Be discerning in evaluating digital content

Year 6

  • Design & write programs to solve problems
  • Use sequences, repetition, inputs, variables and outputs in programs
  • Detect & correct errors in programs · Understand uses of networks for collaboration & communication
  • Be discerning in evaluating digital content