Welcome to our new pupil chaplaincy team for this academic year. Thank you to the children to wrote letters of application for this role; we were blown away by your effort and dedication.
Pupil Chaplaincy team will meet fortnightly with Ms Cahill to support the spiritual and Catholic life of our school.
Pupil Chaplaincy Team
What is the role of Pupil Chaplaincy Team?
"Caring for the school, leading liturgies and carrying out God's mission."Â
"Planning liturgies and celebration of the Word and setting whole school home learning."
"Making sure mission statements are displayed and supporting pupils to live out the school mission to Shine with love, kindness and respect."
"It's better to give than to gain. Love others as yourself."Â
"Learning about Ephesians taught us about the qualities you need to be a Catholic leader."
"We have prayer books and read them for inspiration."
"We have a U R jar where you can pick a message to cheer you up."